Short C.V.
The most useful apa case study format is usually implemented in the most recent projects.
Name : Graham Philip Clarke
Present position : Professor
Other posts :
Employment History :
- 2004 Professor, School of Geography, University of Leeds
- 1998-2001 Head of Department, School of Geography, University of Leeds
- 1995- Senior Lecturer, School of Geography, University of Leeds
- 1989-95 Lecturer, School of Geography, University of Leeds
- 1984-89 Research Fellow on ESRC grant D0022003 'Dynamics and comprehensive models: new foundations for planning', coordinated by Professor Alan Wilson and Dr Martin Clarke, School of Geography, University of Leeds
- 1981-1984 SSRC linked studentship award on 'Retail Centre Usage and Structure: Empirical, theoretical and dynamic explorations,' under the supervision of Professor Alan G. Wilson, School of Geography, University of Leeds
Qualifications and education:
- 1986 PhD, School of Geography, University of Leeds
- 1981 B.A. (Hons) IIi, Department of Geography, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Dyfed
- 11 'O' levels, 4 'A'-levels, 1 'S' level
Membership of learned societies :
- Regional Science Association (British and Irish Section)
- Royal Geographical Society
Departmental Duties Undertaken
- Undergraduate Admissions Officer
- Director of Year 1 studies
- Head of Department (1998-2001)
- Director of 3rd arm activities
- Director of eUniversity ODL masters in GIS
Major Outside Activities
- Secretary of Regional Science Association: British & Irish Section 1994-1998
- Editorial Board of 'Computers, Environment & Urban Systems' 1996-
- Editorial Board of 'European Journal of Geography' 2000-
- Chairperson of Regional Science Association: British & Irish Section 2001-2005
- Committee member of 'The academy of Learned Societies for the Social Sciences' 2002-
- Executive Director of Regional Science Association International 2004-
External examinations
Postgraduate PhD external examiner at
- University of Newcastle
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- University of Cambridge
- University of Southampton
- University of Liverpool
- External examiner at University of Leicester, 2000-2003 (MSc in GIS)
- University of Newcastle (BA programme) 2004-2006
Internal examinations
PhD internal examiner for
- Undergraduate: University of Leeds 1990-
- Taught Postgraduate examiner: University of Leeds 1993-
Other interests :
- University Staff Cricket Vice Captain and Fixture Secretary