- Birkin, M., Clarke, G.P., Diplock, G., Heppenstall, A. and Smith, D. 2006. Inductive versus deductive models of spatial interaction, paper presented to American Real Estate Society Conference, Key West, April.
- Smith, D.M., Clarke, G.P., Ransley, J. and Cade, J. 2006. Food access and health: a microsimulation framework for analysis, paper presented to the RSAI Symposium and Indian Regional Science Association conference, Bangalore, January.
- Ballas, D., Clarke, G.P, Weimers, E. 2005. Spatial microsimulation for rural policy analysis in Ireland: the implications of CAP reform for the National Spatial Strategy, paper presented at the North American Regional Science Association, Las Vegas, November.
- Smith, D., Clarke, G.P., Ransley, J. and Cade, J. 2005. Potential health Implications of retail food access: Stage1: Mapping food access, paper presented at 14th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Tomar, Portugal, September and the North American Regional Science Association, Las Vegas, November.
- Ballas, D., Clarke, G.P., Dorling, D., Rigby, J. and Wheeler, B. 2005. Using Geographical Information Systems and spatial microsimulation for the analysis of health inequalities, proceedings of the 10th International Symposium for Health Information Management Research: improving the quality of health information - an international perspective, Thessaloniki, Greece, 22-24 September 2005.
- Kongmuang, C., Clarke, G.P., Evans, A.J and Ballas, D. 2005. A spatial microsimulation approach to modelling crime, paper presented to British Society of Criminology Conference, Leeds, July and 35th Regional Science Association, RSAI British and Irish Section conference, Stratford upon Avon, August.
- Proctor, K., Cade, J., Clarke, G.P. and Ransley, J. 2005. Measuring the obesogenic environment of Childhood Obesity, paper presented to European Congress on Obesity, Athens, July and annual conference of the Royal Geographic Society, London, September.
- Ballas, D., Weimers, E. and Clarke, G.P. 2004. The SMILE microsimulation model for Ireland, paper presented at the 34th Regional Science Association, RSAI British and Irish Section conference, Cork, Ireland, August.
- Ballas, D., Clarke, G.P., Dorling, D. and Rossiter, D. 2004. Using SimBritain to model the geographical impact of national Government policies, paper presented to RSAI World Congress, Port Elizabeth, April.
- Ballas, D., Clarke, G.P., Dorling, D., Rossiter, D. and Thomas, B. 2003. SimBritain: simulating the geographies of well-being and health in Britain, 1991-2021, paper presented at the International Microsimulation Conference on Population Ageing and Health: Modelling Our Future, Hyatt Hotel, Canberra, Australia, December.
- Ballas, D. and Clarke, G.P. 2003. 30 years of microsimulation studies in regional science, paper presented at the North American Regional Science Association, Philadelphia, November.
- Weimers, E., Ballas, D. and Clarke, G.P. 2003. A Spatial Microsimulation Model for Rural Ireland: Evidence from the 2002 Irish Census of Population, paper presented at the annual conference of the Population Association of America (PAA), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, May.
- Nakaya, T. Yano, K., Fotheringham, A.S., Ballas, D. and Clarke, G.P. 2003. Applications of meso-micro retail models, paper presented at the 13th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Lucca, Italy, September.
- Ballas, D., Clarke, G.P., Dorling, D., Rossiter, D. and Thomas, B. 2003. Simulating trends in poverty and inequality in British regions between 1991-2021, paper presented at the 13th European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Lucca, Italy, September.
- Nakaya, T., Yano, K., Fotheringham, A.S., Ballas, D., Clarke, G.P. 2003. Retail interaction modelling using meso and micro approaches, paper presented at the 33rd Regional Science Association, RSAI British and Irish Section conference, St Andrews, Scotland, August.
- Ballas, D., Clarke, G.P., Dorling, D., Rossiter, D. and Thomas, B. 2003. Simulating trends in labour markets and income inequalities in British regions between 1991-2021, paper presented at the 33rd Regional Science Association, RSAI British and Irish Section conference, St Andrews, Scotland, August.
- Debenham J., Clarke G.P. and Stillwell J.C.H. 2003. Extending geodemographics: a new regional prototype, Paper presented at 32nd Annual Conference of the Regional Science Association: British and Irish Section, Brighton, September
- Clarke, G.P. 2002. Information And intelligence in business and service planning, invited speaker to AGI Northern Ireland, Belfast, November.
- Birkin, M., Clarke, G.P., Dewhurst, R. and Gibson, P. 2002. An analysis of geographical variations in the utilisation of secondary health care services, paper presented to GeoHealth 2002, Wellington, December.
- Ballas, D., Clarke G.P. and Dewhurst, J. 2002. A spatial microsimulation approach to the analysis of local multiplier effects, paper presented at the 32nd Regional Science Association, RSAI British and Irish Section conference, The Dudley Hotel, Brighton and Hove, August
- Ballas, D., Clarke, G.P., Dorling, D., Eyre, H. and Rossiter, D. 2002. A spatial microsimulation approach to the impact assessment of Basic Income policies, paper presented at the 9th Basic Income European Network Congress, Geneva, September.
- Ballas, D., Clarke, G.P., Dorling, D., Eyre, H. and Rossiter, D. 2002. SimBritain: a spatial microsimulation approach to population dynamics, paper presented at AESOP 2002, Volos, Greece, July.
- Clarke G.P. 2002b. Regional science in business, paper presented to the Portuguese Association for Regional Development, Lisbon, June.
- Clarke G.P. 2002a. The potential of microsimulation for urban and regional planning, paper presented to Japanese Geographical Society, Kyoto, March.
- Clarke, G.P., See, L. 2001. Creating families of BCUs, paper presented at the RDS Home Office Conference, Westminster, January.
- Debenham, J., Clarke, G.P. and Stillwell, J.C.H. 2001. Deriving supply-side variables to extend geodemographic classification, paper presented to the 12th theoretical and quantitative geography European colloquium, St.Valery, September 2001.
- Clarke, G.P. 2001. E-commerce and the future of retail location, invited speaker at to the Tyneside Annual Geographical Lecture, University of Newcastle, November.
- Clarke, G.P., Eyre, H. and Guy, C. 2001/2. Deriving indicators of access to food retail provision in British cities: studies of Leeds, Bradford and Cardiff, paper presented to the ESRC workshop on ‘Urban food deserts’, Weetwood Hall, Leeds 2001, and 9th International conference on Recent advances in Retailing and Services Science, Heidelberg, August 2002.
- Ballas, D., Clarke, G.P., Dorling, D., Porter, P. 2001. SimYork: a spatial microsimulation approach to modelling space-time population dynamic processes, paper presented at the XIII Meeting of the European Working Group on Locational Analysis, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece, November
- Ballas, D., Clarke, G.P. and Dorling, D. 2001. Dynamic spatial microsimulation approaches to urban and regional systems modelling, paper presented at the 6th International conference on GeoCompuation, Department of Geographical Sciences & Planning, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, September.
- Ballas, D., Clarke, G.P. and Dorling, D. 2001. Spatial microsimulation approaches to combining the SARs with other Census outputs and survey microdata, paper presented at the MANDEC conference "What have we learned from the SARs?", Manchester, November.
- Ballas, D., Clarke, G.P. and Commins, P. 2001. Spatial microsimulation for rural policy analysis, paper presented at the 41st European Regional Science Association (ERSA) congress, Zagreb, Croatia, August
- Ballas, D. and Clarke, G.P. 2001. Building a spatial microsimulation model for the Irish Rural Economy, paper presented at the 12th Theoretical and Quantitative Geography European Colloquium, St Valery, France, September.
- Ballas, D., Barr, S. and Clarke, G.P. 2000. Combining census data and remotely sensed data for the generation of population microdata: a spatial microsimulation approach, paper presented at the 40th European Regional Science Association (ERSA) congress, Barcelona, August.
- Ballas, D. and Clarke, G.P. 2000. A spatial microsimulation approach to the analysis of local multiplier effects, paper presented at the 31st Regional Science Association (RSAI British and Irish Section) conference, University of Bath, Bath, September.
- Birkin, M., Clarke, G.P. and Douglas, L. 2000. Optimising retail mergers geographically, Paper presented to the CIRM 2000 conference, Manchester Met. University, Manchester, September, 2000.
- Poole, R., Clarke, G.P. and Clarke, D. 2000b. Growth, concentration and regulation in European food retailing, paper presented to the 7th international conference on Recent advances in Retailing and Services Science, Sintra, Lisbon, July 2000.
- Poole, R., Clarke, G.P. and Clarke, D. 2000a. Grocery retailers and regional monopolies, Paper presented at the RSA International: British and Irish Section, University of Bath, September 2000.
- Ballas, D., Clarke, G.P. and Turton, I. 2000. A spatial microsimulation model for social policy evaluation, paper presented at International Geographical Union Conference 2000, Seoul, August.
- Ballas, D., Clarke, G.P. and Turton, I. 1999. Exploring microsimulation methodologies for the estimation of household attributes, paper presented at the 4th International Conference on GeoComputation, Fredericksburg, Virginia, July.
- Ballas, D. and Clarke, G.P. 1999a. GIS and microsimulation for labour market analysis, paper presented at the European Science Foundation Conference, Espinho, Portugal, May.
- Ballas, D. and Clarke, G.P. 1999b. Regional versus local multipliers of economic change? A microsimulation approach, paper presented at the 39th European Regional Science Association, Dublin, August.
- Ballas, D. and Clarke, G.P. 1999c. Modelling the local impacts of national social policies, paper presented to the 11th Theoretical and Quantitative Geography European Colloquium, Dublin, September.
- Clarke, G.P. and Clarke, M. 1998. Transformations in the UK retail landscape and the implications for network planning, paper presented to the 5th International Conference on Retailing and Services Science, Baveno, Italy, August
- Clarke, G.P. and Clarke, M. 1998. From theory to practice - making spatial interaction models work in different contexts, paper presented to the 38th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, Vienna, August 1998.
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- Silcock, L., Clarke, G.P., Clarke, D. and Wrigley, N. 1998. Grocery provision in the USA: room for expansion, paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Services Science, Scottsdale, Arizona, July 1997; and Annual Conference of the American Marketing Society, St Louis, February 1998.
- Langston, P., Clarke, G.P. and Clarke, D. 1998. Retail saturation: the debate in the mid 1990s, paper presented to the ESRC Nations Diet Research Programme Workshop on Supply Side Considerations, Southampton, February 1997.
- Clarke, G.P., Langley, R. and Cardwell, W. 1998. Empirical applications of dynamic spatial interaction models, paper presented at GeoComputation 98, Bristol, September 1998.
- Caldwell, S., Clarke, G.P. and Keister, L. 1997. Modelling regional changes in US household income and wealth: a research agenda, paper presented at the RSA International: British and Irish Section, Falmouth, September 1997.
- Langston, P., Clarke, G.P. and Clarke, D. 1996. Retail saturation, retail location and retail competition: an analysis of British grocery retailing, paper presented to the 3rd International Conference on Recent advances in Retailing and Services Science, Telfs, Austria, July 1996.
- Clarke, G.P., McDonald, A. and Williamson, P. 1996. Estimating small area water demands: a simulation policy tool, paper presented at the RSA International: British and Irish Section, Cardiff, September 1996.
- Birkin, M., Clarke, G.P. and Clarke, M. 1996. Urban and regional modelling at the microscale, paper presented at the Western Regional Science Association, Napa Valley, February 1996.
- Birkin, M., Clarke, G.P. and Clarke, M. 1996. Urban and regional modelling at the microscale, paper presented at the RSA International: British and Irish Section, Cardiff, September 1995.